alligator   Faq’s

How Long Do Alligators Live?

Wild Alligators in Florida live between 35-50 years.  Alligators in captivity can live up to 80 years.

What Do Alligators Eat?

Young alligators eat insects, amphibians, small fish, and other small animals. Adult alligators eat fish, reptiles, turtles, mammals, and birds.

How Big Do Florida Alligators Get?

Female alligators grow up to 10 feet , however males grow much larger. The Florida state record  is a 14 foot 3 inchs from Lake Washington in Brevard County. The weight record in Florida is 1,043 pound s.

Mating Season

Female Alligators become sexually mature betwen the ages of  10-15 years and a male 8-12 years..  Mating season begins in April, and runs through June. Females lay from 32 to 46 eggs in late June or early July. The baby Alligators will hatch in August and September.

What Is Eye Shine?

Eye-shine of an alligator is caused by a layer of cells called the tapetum lucidum. This is located beneath the photoreceptor cells and reflects light back into these cells to increase the amount of light detected, which improves an alligator’s vision in low light conditions. In alligators this eye-shine is red.

How Long Can An Alligator Stay Submerged?

American Alligators can stay submerged for up to 2 hours.

What States Have American Alligators?

American Alligators can be found in Oaklahoma, Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina.

What Does Alligator Taste Like?

Many people say that Alligator tastes like chicken.   It has the texture of pork and has a slightly fishy chicken tasts.  Many people really enjoy the tast of Alligator.